COVID-19 Update
To ensure the health and safety of our students and staff, we have implemented protocols including mandatory masking, smaller class sizes and optimized cleaning procedures.
Mandatory Requirements
- Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days or is displaying any of the following symptoms is asked to defer enrollment until they are well: sore throat, cough, fever and shortness of breath. If you have symptoms, please visit for self-assessment.
- All participants are required to wear face masks during classes. Face shields and gloves will be available.
Class Size
Class sizes are limited to allow for social distancing. Classes will be limited to 4 students to allow for appropriate spacing.
Other Health and Safety Procedures
- Instructors will ensure personal hygiene can be maintained through access to frequent hand washing or hand sanitizer. This includes before and during classes, after breaks and touching surfaces. Surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized at the beginning of each class and throughout the day.
- All participants are instructed to bring their own lunch. No lunch will be provided. Breaks allow time for students to go out for lunch.
- Air circulation will be optimized during all classes.